Help – How do I transport an aquatic turtle? — Wednesday March 25th, 2020

Help! How do I transport an aquatic turtle?

The best and safest way to transport turtles is in a dry box. Sloshing water can present drowning hazards in cars and can be stressful. These are the key points to traveling with a turtle.

  • Always use an opaque box / container (being able to see out is stressing, since the turtle will want to be out)
  • Keep the box or container small, only a little bigger than the turtle. Turtles find tight places comforting.
  • Too much space means stress and trying to wander a way out.
  • Extreme heat or cold can kill. Make sure the turtle in his transporter is the last item loaded into the car and the first item unloaded.

Since there are two perfectly good routes to take I will go over both: Using a cardboard box and using an opaque plastic container.

Cardboard Box:

  • Make sure to put 4 to six ¼” holes for air at the top of the box. Do not be excessive, we want to keep the box dark.
  • Put a dry kitchen towel or balled up paper towel at the bottom of the box to cushion the turtle.
  • Add turtle and cover with additional cloth or paper towel.
  • Close and even tape lid. A loose turtle in a car is not a fun adventure at highway speeds.

Plastic Container:

  • Make sure to put 4 to six ¼” holes for air at the top of the box. Do not be excessive, we want to keep the box dark.
  • Take a kitchen towel or plenty of paper towels, ball up and moisten with water. This will add cushioning and humidity for the turtle comfort.
  • Add turtle and place a second, dry kitchen towel or paper towels over the turtle.
  • Close lid… if lid does not snap or lock, use some tape.

For the second method I did not mention air holes. Most of these storage containers have holes, especially around the handles and around the lid.

If you do not see air holes, use a drill to place a few in the lid. Remember, turtles don’t breathe like warm blooded animals, if this turtle needed to he could go a half hour without taking a breath.

On the day of the move

After your turtle has been boxed up, keep them in a quiet place until everything is loaded and ready to go.

If done perfectly, he will take a nap during the trip.

In the car, do not place the box directly in line with an air conditioning vent, car cabin temp is perfect. If he is a scratcher in the box, and some are, try not to give in and open up the box during the journey. It will not comfort him and he will be just as impatient being held.

Finally, in all cases short of hatchlings, turtles should be transported one turtle per container. You can divide a larger box to have to compartments, but two scrabbling turtles in one container can cause eye injuries.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us.

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